I was a professional daytrader for 7+ years. I say, "was", because for the last few years it's been a one way market and easy money to just buy and hold. Plus, trading is a young mans game, imo.
In my experience, most daytraders blow up their account. I was lucky. I had two friends who traded at hedge funds before venturing out on their own and they taught me everything I know. Without that type of mentorship I can't imagine anyone being successful. I will say there are very few ways to make money at the rate a successful trader can pull it down. I've had many, many 30-50K days in my life and even a few 100K ones. NOTHING beats that adrenaline rush. I've also lost 155K in one day too and 312K in one month. There is no lower low. I still trade a bit if I see a perfect set up, but I wouldn't wish the stress of trading fulltime on anyone. Just writing this I can feel my heart beat pick up.
I would STRONGLY advise you to not trade period. You would need at 25K to even try in order to avoid the pattern daytrader rule and chances are you will lose it all. If you must try, then I can't stress enough that the money is in shorting low priced, junk stocks. You will NEVER in a million years make money trading AAPl, GE, V, or any other big cap stock. EVER!